This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

Introduction to Nextflow



Teaching: 15 min
Exercises: 15 min
  • How can I make my results easier to reproduce?

  • Understand our example problem.

Possible current method

Let’s imagine that we’re interested in seeing the frequency of various words in various books.


Files for this section are available in the Github repository or available by downloading the zip or tar file, e.g.:

$ curl -O

We’ve compiled our raw data i.e. the books we want to analyse and have prepared several Python scripts that together make up our analysis pipeline.

Let’s take quick look at one of the books using the command head books/isles.txt.

head books/isles.txt

By default, head displays the first 10 lines of the specified file.



I had desired to visit the Hebrides, or Western Islands of Scotland, so
long, that I scarcely remember how the wish was originally excited; and
was in the Autumn of the year 1773 induced to undertake the journey, by
finding in Mr. Boswell a companion, whose acuteness would help my

Our directory has the Python scripts and data files we we will be working with:

|- books
|  |- abyss.txt
|  |- isles.txt
|  |- last.txt
|  |-
|  |- sierra.txt

The first step is to count the frequency of each word in a book. The first argument (books/isles.txt) to is the file to analyse, and the last argument (isles.dat) specifies the output file to write.

$ python books/isles.txt isles.dat

Let’s take a quick peek at the result.

$ head -5 isles.dat

This shows us the top 5 lines in the output file:

the 3822 6.7371760973
of 2460 4.33632998414
and 1723 3.03719372466
to 1479 2.60708619778
a 1308 2.30565838181

We can see that the file consists of one row per word. Each row shows the word itself, the number of occurrences of that word, and the number of occurrences as a percentage of the total number of words in the text file.

We can do the same thing for a different book:

$ python books/abyss.txt abyss.dat
$ head -5 abyss.dat
the 4044 6.35449402891
and 2807 4.41074795726
of 1907 2.99654305468
a 1594 2.50471401634
to 1515 2.38057825267

Let’s visualise the results. The script reads in a data file and plots the 10 most frequently occurring words as a text-based bar plot:

$ python isles.dat ascii
the   ########################################################################
of    ##############################################
and   ################################
to    ############################
a     #########################
in    ###################
is    #################
that  ############
by    ###########
it    ########### can also show the plot graphically:

$ python isles.dat show

Close the window to exit the plot. can also create the plot as an image file (e.g. a PNG file):

$ python isles.dat isles.png

Finally, let’s test Zipf’s law for these books:

$ python abyss.dat isles.dat
Book	First	Second	Ratio
abyss	4044	2807	1.44
isles	3822	2460	1.55

Zipf’s Law

Zipf’s Law is an empirical law formulated using mathematical statistics that refers to the fact that many types of data studied in the physical and social sciences can be approximated with a Zipfian distribution, one of a family of related discrete power law probability distributions.

Zipf’s law was originally formulated in terms of quantitative linguistics, stating that given some corpus of natural language utterances, the frequency of any word is inversely proportional to its rank in the frequency table. For example, in the Brown Corpus of American English text, the word the is the most frequently occurring word, and by itself accounts for nearly 7% of all word occurrences (69,971 out of slightly over 1 million). True to Zipf’s Law, the second-place word of accounts for slightly over 3.5% of words (36,411 occurrences), followed by and (28,852). Only 135 vocabulary items are needed to account for half the Brown Corpus.

Source: Wikipedia:

Together these scripts implement a common workflow:

  1. Read a data file.
  2. Perform an analysis on this data file.
  3. Write the analysis results to a new file.
  4. Plot a graph of the analysis results.
  5. Save the graph as an image, so we can put it in a paper.
  6. Make a summary table of the analyses

Running and at the shell prompt, as we have been doing, is fine for one or two files. If, however, we had 5 or 10 or 20 text files, or if the number of steps in the pipeline were to expand, this could turn into a lot of work. Plus, no one wants to sit and wait for a command to finish, even just for 30 seconds.

The most common solution to the tedium of data processing is to write a shell script that runs the whole pipeline from start to finish.

Using your text editor of choice (e.g. nano), add the following to a new file named

# USAGE: bash
# to produce plots for isles and abyss
# and the summary table for the Zipf's law tests

python books/isles.txt isles.dat
python books/abyss.txt abyss.dat

python isles.dat isles.png
python abyss.dat abyss.png

# Generate summary table
python abyss.dat isles.dat > results.txt

Run the script and check that the output is the same as before:

$ bash
$ cat results.txt

This shell script solves several problems in computational reproducibility:

  1. It explicitly documents our pipeline, making communication with colleagues (and our future selves) more efficient.
  2. It allows us to type a single command, bash, to reproduce the full analysis.
  3. It prevents us from repeating typos or mistakes. You might not get it right the first time, but once you fix something it’ll stay fixed.

Despite these benefits it has a few shortcomings.

Let’s adjust the width of the bars in our plot produced by

Edit so that the bars are 0.8 units wide instead of 1 unit. (Hint: replace width = 1.0 with width = 0.8 in the definition of plot_word_counts.)

Now we want to recreate our figures. We could just bash again. That would work, but it could also be a big pain if counting words takes more than a few seconds. The word counting routine hasn’t changed; we shouldn’t need to recreate those files.

Alternatively, we could manually rerun the plotting for each word-count file. (Experienced shell scripters can make this easier on themselves using a for-loop.)

$ for book in abyss isles; do python $book.dat $book.png; done

With this approach, however, we don’t get many of the benefits of having a shell script in the first place.

Another popular option is to comment out a subset of the lines in

# USAGE: bash
# to produce plots for isles and abyss
# and the summary table

# These lines are commented out because they don't need to be rerun.
#python books/isles.txt isles.dat
#python books/abyss.txt abyss.dat

python isles.dat isles.png
python abyss.dat abyss.png

# This line is also commented out because it doesn't need to be rerun.
# python abyss.dat isles.dat > results.txt

Then, we would run our modified shell script using bash

But commenting out these lines, and subsequently un-commenting them, can be a hassle and source of errors in complicated pipelines. What happens if we have hundreds of input files? No one wants to enter the same command a hundred times, and then edit the result.

What we really want is an executable description of our pipeline that allows software to do the tricky part for us: figuring out what tasks need to be run where and when, then perform those tasks for us.

What is Nextflow and why are we using it?

There are many different tools that researchers use to automate this type of work.

Nextflow has been chosen for this lesson:

Snakemake is another very popular tool, and similar lesson can be found in Carpentry HPC Python, for several reasons:

The rest of these lessons aim to teach you how to use Nextflow by example. Our goal is to automate our example workflow, and have it do everything for us in parallel regardless of where and how it is run (and have it be reproducible!).

Key Points

  • Bash scripts are not an efficient way of storing a workflow.

  • Nextflow is one method of managing a complex computational workflow.

The basics


Teaching: 15 min
Exercises: 15 min
  • How do I write a simple workflow?

  • Understand the files that control Nextflow.

  • Understand the components of Nextflow: processes, channels, executors, and operators.

  • Write a simple Nextflow script.

  • Run Nextflow from the shell.

Software modules

Nextflow can be loaded using modules.

$ module load nextflow

Create a file, commonly called, containing the following content:

#!/usr/bin/env nextflow


println "I will count words of $params.query using $wordcount"

This file contains the main nextflow script that calls the processes (using channels and operators as required). It does not need to be called but is standard practice.

Looking line by line:

#!/usr/bin/env nextflow

This is required to tell Nextflow it is a nextflow script.


This sets a variable to refer to later.


This is the query we have to find the number of words. Can be set with the commandline argument when running nextflow with --query.

println "I will count words of $params.query using $wordcount"

This simply prints to screen using the variable and parameter above.

Running the code with:

$ nextflow run

Should produce:

N E X T F L O W  ~  version 20.10.0
Launching `` [sad_mandelbrot] - revision: 43c1e227e3
I will count words of books/isles.txt using

A default work folder will also appear but will be empty.

Nextflow arguments

Try changing the variables and parameters on the commandline?


The parameter can changed with:

$ nextflow run --query "books/abyss.txt"

Note the variable cannot be changed on the commandline.


The nextflow.config is a file to set default global parameters for many parts of the nextflow components such as parameters, process, manifest, executor, profiles, docker, singularity, timeline, report.

Create a nextflow.config. For now we will just use the config file to store the parameters.

params.query = "books/isles.txt"
params.wordcount = ""
params.outfile = "isles.dat"
params.outdir = "$PWD/out_dir"

Update the to remove the parameters and variables and use the values from nextflow.config in the println. You should end up with:

#!/usr/bin/env nextflow

println "I will count words of $params.query using $params.wordcount and output to $params.outfile"

If this is run again it should output:

N E X T F L O W  ~  version 20.10.0
Launching `` [angry_baekeland] - revision: ad46425e9c
I will count words of books/isles.txt using and output to isles.dat

Note we do not need to use the out_dir parameter yet.

params format

The params in the nextflow.config can be formatted as described or using:

params {
  query = "books/isles.txt"
  wordcount = ""
  outfile = "isles.dat"


Processes are what do work in Nextflow scripts. Processes require code to run, input data and output data (which may be used in another process).

In this example we want to run the code to code the number of words in an input file that creates a file of word counts.

We will be using example data (the names of the files are used previously). The example data can be downloaded with:

$ curl -O
$ unzip
$ cd nextflow-lesson

Check the code works:

$ module load python
$ python3 books/isles.txt isles.dat

This should produce a file isles.dat with the word counts.

We should now be able to add this process to the Copy the if not already there and add the following:

process runWordcount {

  module load python
  python3 $PWD/ $PWD/books/isles.txt isles.dat


Note the use of $PWD to set the fullpath. This is crucial since Nextflow runs the code in another directory.

Run Nextflow again

$ nextflow run

And will produce:

N E X T F L O W  ~  version 20.10.0
Launching `` [voluminous_coulomb] - revision: 6c143df13c
I will count words of books/isles.txt using and output to isles.dat
executor >  local (1)
[38/2f5ad5] process > runWordcount [100%] 1 of 1 ✔

The isles.dat can be found in work directory such as:

$ tree work
└── 62
    └── 9a9d076cc092ed99701282d3ee3e9f
        └── isles.dat

The unique directories (using hashes) can be resumed by Nextflow.

Instead of hardcoding the arguments in the process, we can use the params and make sure $PWD is being used in nextflow.config

Adding more parameters

Try adding more parameters to allow python3 to be called something else.


Add to nextflow.config the parameter Change python to be $

params.query = "$PWD/books/isles.txt"
params.wordcount = "$PWD/"
params.outfile = "isles.dat"
params.outdir = "$PWD/out_dir" = "python3"

and the process is modified to be

$ $params.wordcount $params.query $params.outfile

Adding help functionality

Now that there is a series of arguments to the workflow it is beneficial to be able to print a help message.

In before the process definition the following can be added:

def helpMessage() { """
        The typical command for running the pipeline is as follows:
        nextflow run --query \$PWD/books/isles.txt --outfile isles.dat

        Mandatory arguments:
         --query                       Query file count words
         --outfile                     Output file name
         --outdir                      Final output directory

        Optional arguments:
         --app                         Python executable
         --wordcount                   Python code to execute
         --help                        This usage statement.

// Show help message
if ( {
    exit 0

And add to nextflow.config to a default value of false. Test the help functionality with:

$ nextflow run --help

We may want to add more dependencies that can be represented as:

Dependencies represented within Nextflow

You should now be able to run code and change what is run on the command line. We will now move onto learning about processes can use inputs and outputs.

Key Points

  • Nextflow describes your workflow in its Domain Specific Language (DSL)

  • Processes are executed independently, only way they can communicate is via asynchronous FIFO queues, called channels in Nextflow

Processes and channels


Teaching: 30 min
Exercises: 10 min
  • How do I pass information from processes?

  • Understand processes.

  • Understand that channels link processes together.

  • Process more files

We have hopefully ran a simple workflow with fixed input and outputs than can be modified on the commandline. However to use the power of Nextflow, we should investigate further the concept of processes and how its link to the concept of channels.


Channels can act as a queue or a value.

When using channels the use of operators will be more apparent. operators link channels together or transform values in channels. For example we can add a channel to input many files.


Notice the use of methods (...) and closures {...}

We can now add the channel as an input inside the process

  path(queryFile) from queryFile_ch

And change the process to include $queryFile instead of $params.query. This will provide no real advantage over the current code but if we run with an escaped wildcard you can process as many files in the directory as required:

$ nextflow run --query $PWD/books/\*.txt

The output should now produce:

N E X T F L O W  ~  version 20.10.0
Launching `` [sharp_euclid] - revision: 8594437a09
I will count words of /nfshome/store01/users/c.sistg1/nf_test/nextflow-lesson/books/*.txt using /nfshome/store01/users/c.sistg1/nf_test/nextflow-lesson/ and output to isles.dat
executor >  local (4)
[aa/dbc648] process > runWordcount (2) [100%] 4 of 4 ✔

Notice the 4 of 4. This has run the process 4 times for each of the 4 books we have available.

Output names

Can you see one issue though? The output file does not change. We need to provide a sensible output name. Try looking inside the work directory. How does multiple jobs stored?


Each job has its own unique directory. THerefore no files are overwritten even if each job has the same output name.

To give the output name something sensible we could use ${queryFile.baseName}.dat as the output. Try it and see if it works and outputs the files in the current directory.

Bioinformatics specific functions

Nextflow was designed from a bioinformatics perspective so there are some useful functions.

For example splitting a fasta file is common practice so can be done with:

  .splitFasta(by: 1, file:true)
  .set { queryFile_ch }

This will split the fasta file into chunks of size 1 and create individual processes for each chunk. However you will need to join these back again. Nextflow comes to the rescue with:

  path(params.outFileName) into blast_output_ch

And after the process use the channel

  .collectFile(name: 'combined.txt', storeDir: $PWD)

Adding more processes

Back to the book example. We can now process all the books but what can we do with the results. There is something call Zipf’s Law. We can use the output from each of the wordcounts from the book to test Zipf’s Law. For example the following dependency diagram shows what we would like to achieve:

Dependencies represented within Nextflow

Zipf’s Law

Zipf’s Law is an empirical law formulated using mathematical statistics that refers to the fact that many types of data studied in the physical and social sciences can be approximated with a Zipfian distribution, one of a family of related discrete power law probability distributions.

Zipf’s law was originally formulated in terms of quantitative linguistics, stating that given some corpus of natural language utterances, the frequency of any word is inversely proportional to its rank in the frequency table. For example, in the Brown Corpus of American English text, the word the is the most frequently occurring word, and by itself accounts for nearly 7% of all word occurrences (69,971 out of slightly over 1 million). True to Zipf’s Law, the second-place word of accounts for slightly over 3.5% of words (36,411 occurrences), followed by and (28,852). Only 135 vocabulary items are needed to account for half the Brown Corpus.

Source: Wikipedia:

Let’s create a new process that runs the Python code to test Zipf’s Law. You cansee what it produces by running it on the command line.

$ python abyss.dat isles.dat last.dat > results.txt

This can be added as a process with:

process testZipf {
  module load python
  python3 abyss.dat isles.dat last.dat > results.txt


However we have to define the inputs.

In the original process the output was just a name, however we can now add the ouput to a channel. We now do not need to store the .dat output in $PWD. We can leave them in the work directories. (Remember to change the original RunWordcount process).

  path("${queryFile.baseName}.dat") into wordcount_output_ch

The input for testZipf will use the collect() method of the channel:

  val x from wordcount_output_ch.collect()

  module load python
  python3 ${x.join(" ")} > $PWD/results.txt

Lets run it and see what happens.

$ nextflow run --query $PWD/books/\*.txt
N E X T F L O W  ~  version 20.10.0
Launching `` [lethal_cuvier] - revision: 4168a6dfe0
I will count words of /nfshome/store01/users/c.sistg1/nf_test/nextflow-lesson/books/*.txt using /nfshome/store01/users/c.sistg1/nf_test/nextflow-lesson/ and output to isles.dat
executor >  local (5)
[0c/46bef2] process > runWordcount (2) [100%] 4 of 4 ✔
[13/001d31] process > testZipf         [100%] 1 of 1 ✔

This now runs two processes. Output should be stored in results.txt within the current directory. We should really store the results in the outdir location defined in params. The publishDir directive defines a location to make available output from a process.

publishDir "$params.outdir"

By defining the output for the process it will know to copy the data there.

Configure the output directory

Currently we are just outputting to $PWD. How can this be modified. Try using the publishDir directive in the testZipf process and define an output file to copy to it.


We first set publishDir to the value in params.

publishDir "$params.outdir"

Then define an output that will be available in publishDir.


We have now created a very simple pipeline where four processes run in parallel and a process uses all output to create a results file. We shall now move to looking closer at the nextflow.config.

Key Points

  • Channels and processes are linked, one cannot exist without the other.

Advanced configuration


Teaching: 15 min
Exercises: 5 min
  • What functionality and modularity to Nextflow?

  • Understand how to provide a timeline report.

  • Understand how to obtain a detailed report.

  • Understand configuration of the executor.

  • Understand how to use Slurm

We have got to a point where we hopefully have a working pipeline. There is now some configuration options to allow us to explore and modify the behaviour of the pipeline.

The nextflow.config was used earlier to set parameters for the Nextflow script. We can also use it to set a number of different options.


To obtain a detailed timeline report add the following to the nextflow.config

timeline {
  enabled = true
  file = "$params.outdir/timeline.html"

Notice the user of $params.outdir that can be defined in the params section to a default value such as $PWD/out_dir.

The timeline will look something like:

Timeline of pipeline

Example timeline can be found timeline.html


A detailed execution report can be created using:

report {
  enabled = true
  file = "$params.outdir/report.html"

Example can be found report.html


If we are using a job scheduler where user limits are in place we can define thise to stop Nextflow abusing the scheduler. For example to report the queueSize as 100 and submit 1 job every 10 seconds we would define the executor block as:

executor {
  queueSize = 100
  submitRateLimit = '10 sec'


To use the executor block as described previously then a profile can be used to define a job scheduler. Within the nextflow.config file define:

profiles {
  slurm { includeConfig './configs/slurm.config' }

and within the ./configs/slurm.config define the Slurm settings to use:

process {
  executor = 'slurm'
  clusterOptions = '-A scwXXXX'

Where scwXXXX is the project code to use.

This can be used on the command line:

$ nextflow run -profile slurm

Or the whole definition can be defined within the process we can define the executor and cpus


You can also define the profile on the command line but add to existing profile such as using -profile slurm when running but setting cpus = 2 in the process. Note for MPI codes you would need to put clusterOptions = '-n 16' for a 16 tasks to use for MPI. Be careful not to override options such as clusterOptions that define the project code.


A manifest can describe the workflow and provide a Github location. For example

manifest {
  name = 'ARCCA/intro_nextflow_example'
  author = 'Thomas Green'
  homePage = ''
  description = 'Nextflow tutorial'
  mainScript = ''
  version = '1.0.0'

Where the name is the location on Github and mainScript is the location of the file (default in


$ nextflow run ARCCA/intro_nextflow_example --help

To update from remote locations you can run:

$ nextflow pull ARCCA/intro_nextflow_example

To see existing remote locations downloaded:

$ nextflow list

Finally, to print information about remote you can:

$ nextflow info ARCCA/intro_nextflow_example


Labels allow to select what the process can use from the nextflow.config or in our case the options in the Slurm profile in ./configs/slurm.config

process {
  executor = 'slurm'
  clusterOptions = '-A scw1001'
  withLabel: python { module = 'python' }

Defining a process with the above label 'python' and will load the python module.


Modules can also be defined in the process (rather than written in the script) with the module directive.

process doSomething {
  module = 'python'
  python3 --version


Conda is a userful software installation and management system and commonly used by various topics. There are a number of ways to use it.

Specify the packages.

process doSomething {
  conda 'bwa samtools multiqc'
  bwa ...

Specify an environment.

process doSomething {
  conda '/some/path/my-env.yaml'

  command ...

Specify a pre-existing installed environment.

process doSomething {
  conda '/some/path/conda/environment'
  command ...

It is recommended to use conda inside a profile due to there might be another way to access the software such as via docker or singularity.

profiles {
  conda {
    process.conda = 'samtools'

  docker {
    process.container = 'biocontainers/samtools'
    docker.enabled = true

Generate DAG

From the command line a Directed acyclic graph (DAG) can show the dependencies in a nice way. Run nextflow with:

$ nextflow run -with-dag flowchart.png

The flowchart.png will be created and can be viewed.

Hopefully the following page has helped you understand the options to dig deeper into your pipeline and maybe make it more portable by using labels to select what to do on a platform. Lets move onto running Nextflow on Hawk.

Key Points

  • Much functionality is available but had to be turned on to use it.

Running on cluster


Teaching: 15 min
Exercises: 15 min
  • What configuration should I use to run on a cluster?

  • Understand how to use Slurm specific options

  • Make sure the correct filesystem is used.

We should now be comfortable running on a single local machine such as the login node. To use the real power of a supercomputer cluster we should make sure each process is given the required resources.


Firstly the executor scope provides control how things are run. For example for slurm we can set a limit to the number of jobs in the queue

executor {
    name = 'slurm'
    queueSize = 20
    pollInterval = '30 sec'


In the previous section we encountered the concept of a profile. Lets look at that again but call the profile cluster and include executor and process.
Lets ignore the includeConfig command for now.

profiles {
  cluster {
    executor {
      name = 'slurm'
      queueSize = 20
      pollInterval = '30 sec'
    process {
      executor = 'slurm'
      clusterOptions = '-A scw1001'

This defines a profile to set options in a executor and process, this submits to Slurm using sbatch and passes the clusterOptions, in this case the project code used to track the work.

Specifying resource

The default profiles method in Nextflow handles many things out of the box, for example the slurm executor has the following available:

As you can see most of the usual subjects are there, however if MPI jobs were ever run inside Nextflow the clusterOptions would need to be used to define the number of MPI tasks with -n and the --ntasks-per-node. Same for if GPUs were to be used with --gres=gpu

To submit to Slurm we can run the following:

$ nextflow run -profile cluster

Submission to Slurm

With your current pipeline you should have 4 processes that can run in parallel and a process that depends on all 4 processes to finish. Create a Slurm profile and submit your pipeline. Watch the jobs queue in Slurm with squeue -u $USER.


Following the advice you should be able to use many of the defaults since we are not using parallel code so ncpus = 1 will be the default. Just make sure clusterOptions = "-A scwXXXX" to specify your project code.

Work directory

The work directory where processes are run is by default in the location where you run your job. This can be changed by environment variable (not very portable) or by configuration variable. In nextflow.config set the following:

workDir = "/scratch/$USER/nextflow/work"

This will set a location on /scratch to perform the actual work.

The previous option publishDir by default symlinks the required output to a convenient location. This can be changed by specifying the copy mode.

publishDir "$params.outdir", mode: 'copy'


Modify the pipeline in to use a working directory in your /scratch space and make the data available in your publishDir location with a new mode such as copy.


The solution should be straight forward using information above.

In nextflow.config:

workDir = "/scratch/$USER/nextflow/work"


publishDir "$params.outdir", mode: 'copy'

Module system

The module system on clusters is a convenient way to load common software. As described before the module can be loaded by Nextflow before the script is run using the module directive.

module 'python'

This will load the python module which can be loaded normally with

$ module load python

To load multiple modules such as python and singularity separate with a colon

module 'python:singularity'

This has hopefully given you some pointers to configure your Nextflow environment for the cluster. One aspect of the cluster is the use of Singularity to simplify sharing of specific builds of code. Nextflow support the tool Singularity to manage this feature which will shall look at in the next section.

Key Points

  • Tweak your configuration to make the most of the cluster.



Teaching: 15 min
Exercises: 15 min
  • How can I quickly reproduce or share my pipelines?

  • Understand how Nextflow uses Singularity to perform tasks.

  • Use Singularity to perform a simple pipeline process.

Having setup a job using locally installed software, we can instead use software distributed in containers. Containers allow for easier management of software due to being able to run the same code across many systems, usually code is required to be rebuilt for each operating system and hardware.

The most common ways to run containers is to either use Docker and Singularity. Docker can suffer from some issues running on a supercomputer cluster, so it may have Singularity installed to allow containers to run. We will be using Singularity.

Singularity training

ARCCA provides a Singularity course if more detailed information how to use Singularity is required. See list of training courses.

Using Singularity

Singularity can be specified in the profiles section of your configuration such as:

profiles {
  slurm { includeConfig './configs/slurm.config' }

  singularity {
    singularity.enabled = true
    singularity.autoMounts = true

To specify the container to use we can specify it within the process in our pipeline.

process runPython {
  container = 'docker://python'

  stdout output

  python --version 2>&1

output.subscribe { print "\n$it\n" }

Note the use of subscribe which allows a function to be used to everytime a value is emitted by the source channel.

The above should output:

$ nextflow run -profile singularity
N E X T F L O W  ~  version 20.10.0
Launching `` [spontaneous_spence] - revision: 8c50b57f4e
executor >  local (1)
[59/cd3d1e] process > runPython [  0%] 0 of 1

Python 3.9.1
executor >  local (1)
[59/cd3d1e] process > runPython [100%] 1 of 1 ✔

Notice the change in Python version.

Compare runs.

Using the simple singularity pipeline, investigate what happens when the container directive is removed or commented out.


You should see a change in version number when commenting out the container.

Python 2.7.5

Using Singularity can remove some of the head-aches of making sure the correct software is installed. If an existing pipeline has a container then it should be possible to run it within Singularity inside Nextflow. Creating your own container should also be possible if required to share with others.

Having had a bit of a detour to explore some extra options we now go back to the original workflow and explore a few final things with it.

Key Points

  • Singularity allows for quick reproduction of common tasks that others have published.

Wrapping up and where to go


Teaching: 15 min
Exercises: 15 min
  • Where do I go now?

  • Understand the basics in Nextflow pipelines and the options available.

  • Understand the next steps required.

The pipeline

Using the -with-dag option we can see the final flowchart

DAG of pipeline

This doesnt show the particular runtime options but the raw dependency of the given processes in the Nextflow script.

This section shall document some of the questions raised in sessions.

Issues raised

  1. Chunking up data from channels.

When a list of files is send into a channel, a process can be defined to read an entry and process that one file. A case was raised where we may want to send 300 files to the channel and for a process to read 10 files from the channel at a time and perform a average on the data in the files. This can be achieved with the:

    .from( 1,2,3,4,5,6 )
    .take( 3 )
    .subscribe onNext: { println it }, onComplete: { println 'Done' }

This example is taken from the documentation for Nextflow. This will produce:


We could easily use this within our pipeline to process 2 files in the same process for example:

    tuple path(queryFile1), path(queryFile2) from queryFile_ch.collate(2)

    tuple path("${queryFile1.baseName}.dat"), path("${queryFile2.baseName}.dat") into wordcount_output_ch

  python3 $PWD/../ $queryFile1 ${queryFile1.baseName}.dat
  python3 $PWD/../ $queryFile2 ${queryFile2.baseName}.dat

This will emit a tuple (people familiar with Python should know this term, think of it as a fixed list). Note the use of collate on the input to the process. The output uses tuple to send both files to the output. A change is required in the receiving process testZipf

    val x from wordcount_output_ch.flatten().collect()

The output from the run will look like:

$ nextflow run --query $PWD/../books/\*.txt
N E X T F L O W  ~  version 20.10.0
Launching `` [magical_bardeen] - revision: dae9352cb9
I will count words of /nfshome/store01/users/c.sistg1/nf_training_Feb21/nextflow-lesson/work/../books/*.txt using and output o isles.dat
executor >  local (3)
[54/2d1cdb] process > runWordcount (1) [100%] 2 of 2 ✔
[8b/217add] process > testZipf         [100%] 1 of 1 ✔

This will first flatten the tuples into a list and then collect will emit all entries as a list to the val x.

Hopefully this shows the power of Nextflow is dealing with specific use cases.

  1. Self-learning

Due to time constraints during the sessions, opportunities to explore Nextflow at your own pace is limited. It would be good to setup a Nextflow community within the University to promote the use and encourage working together in solving common issues.

Interfaces to Nextflow

There are currently two interfaces to Nextflow that are being looked at:

  1. Nextflow Tower

Nextflow Tower is promoted by the developers of Nextflow. The cloud version is potentially a risk to store access keys to local resource such as the University supercomputer. There is a community edition on Github that suggests single users can run. Further investigation is required.

  1. DolphinNext

DolphinNext is an open project to provide an interface to Nextflow similar to Nextflow Tower. ARCCA currently has a test system up which we will go through during the live sessions. If users are interested in this please get in contact with us.

A tutorial to use DolphinNext is available on Github

Key Points

  • Ask for help and support if you require assistance in writing pipelines on the supercomputer. The more we know people using it the better.