This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)



Teaching: 15 min
Exercises: 15 min
  • How can I make my results easier to reproduce?

  • Understand our example problem.

Possible current method

Let’s imagine that we’re interested in seeing the frequency of various words in various books.


Files for this section are available in the Github repository or available by downloading the zip or tar file, e.g.:

$ curl -O

We’ve compiled our raw data i.e. the books we want to analyse and have prepared several Python scripts that together make up our analysis pipeline.

Let’s take quick look at one of the books using the command head books/isles.txt.

head books/isles.txt

By default, head displays the first 10 lines of the specified file.



I had desired to visit the Hebrides, or Western Islands of Scotland, so
long, that I scarcely remember how the wish was originally excited; and
was in the Autumn of the year 1773 induced to undertake the journey, by
finding in Mr. Boswell a companion, whose acuteness would help my

Our directory has the Python scripts and data files we we will be working with:

|- books
|  |- abyss.txt
|  |- isles.txt
|  |- last.txt
|  |-
|  |- sierra.txt

The first step is to count the frequency of each word in a book. The first argument (books/isles.txt) to is the file to analyse, and the last argument (isles.dat) specifies the output file to write.

$ python books/isles.txt isles.dat

Let’s take a quick peek at the result.

$ head -5 isles.dat

This shows us the top 5 lines in the output file:

the 3822 6.7371760973
of 2460 4.33632998414
and 1723 3.03719372466
to 1479 2.60708619778
a 1308 2.30565838181

We can see that the file consists of one row per word. Each row shows the word itself, the number of occurrences of that word, and the number of occurrences as a percentage of the total number of words in the text file.

We can do the same thing for a different book:

$ python books/abyss.txt abyss.dat
$ head -5 abyss.dat
the 4044 6.35449402891
and 2807 4.41074795726
of 1907 2.99654305468
a 1594 2.50471401634
to 1515 2.38057825267

Let’s visualise the results. The script reads in a data file and plots the 10 most frequently occurring words as a text-based bar plot:

$ python isles.dat ascii
the   ########################################################################
of    ##############################################
and   ################################
to    ############################
a     #########################
in    ###################
is    #################
that  ############
by    ###########
it    ########### can also show the plot graphically:

$ python isles.dat show

Close the window to exit the plot. can also create the plot as an image file (e.g. a PNG file):

$ python isles.dat isles.png

Finally, let’s test Zipf’s law for these books:

$ python abyss.dat isles.dat
Book	First	Second	Ratio
abyss	4044	2807	1.44
isles	3822	2460	1.55

Zipf’s Law

Zipf’s Law is an empirical law formulated using mathematical statistics that refers to the fact that many types of data studied in the physical and social sciences can be approximated with a Zipfian distribution, one of a family of related discrete power law probability distributions.

Zipf’s law was originally formulated in terms of quantitative linguistics, stating that given some corpus of natural language utterances, the frequency of any word is inversely proportional to its rank in the frequency table. For example, in the Brown Corpus of American English text, the word the is the most frequently occurring word, and by itself accounts for nearly 7% of all word occurrences (69,971 out of slightly over 1 million). True to Zipf’s Law, the second-place word of accounts for slightly over 3.5% of words (36,411 occurrences), followed by and (28,852). Only 135 vocabulary items are needed to account for half the Brown Corpus.

Source: Wikipedia:

Together these scripts implement a common workflow:

  1. Read a data file.
  2. Perform an analysis on this data file.
  3. Write the analysis results to a new file.
  4. Plot a graph of the analysis results.
  5. Save the graph as an image, so we can put it in a paper.
  6. Make a summary table of the analyses

Running and at the shell prompt, as we have been doing, is fine for one or two files. If, however, we had 5 or 10 or 20 text files, or if the number of steps in the pipeline were to expand, this could turn into a lot of work. Plus, no one wants to sit and wait for a command to finish, even just for 30 seconds.

The most common solution to the tedium of data processing is to write a shell script that runs the whole pipeline from start to finish.

Using your text editor of choice (e.g. nano), add the following to a new file named

# USAGE: bash
# to produce plots for isles and abyss
# and the summary table for the Zipf's law tests

python books/isles.txt isles.dat
python books/abyss.txt abyss.dat

python isles.dat isles.png
python abyss.dat abyss.png

# Generate summary table
python abyss.dat isles.dat > results.txt

Run the script and check that the output is the same as before:

$ bash
$ cat results.txt

This shell script solves several problems in computational reproducibility:

  1. It explicitly documents our pipeline, making communication with colleagues (and our future selves) more efficient.
  2. It allows us to type a single command, bash, to reproduce the full analysis.
  3. It prevents us from repeating typos or mistakes. You might not get it right the first time, but once you fix something it’ll stay fixed.

Despite these benefits it has a few shortcomings.

Let’s adjust the width of the bars in our plot produced by

Edit so that the bars are 0.8 units wide instead of 1 unit. (Hint: replace width = 1.0 with width = 0.8 in the definition of plot_word_counts.)

Now we want to recreate our figures. We could just bash again. That would work, but it could also be a big pain if counting words takes more than a few seconds. The word counting routine hasn’t changed; we shouldn’t need to recreate those files.

Alternatively, we could manually rerun the plotting for each word-count file. (Experienced shell scripters can make this easier on themselves using a for-loop.)

$ for book in abyss isles; do python $book.dat $book.png; done

With this approach, however, we don’t get many of the benefits of having a shell script in the first place.

Another popular option is to comment out a subset of the lines in

# USAGE: bash
# to produce plots for isles and abyss
# and the summary table

# These lines are commented out because they don't need to be rerun.
#python books/isles.txt isles.dat
#python books/abyss.txt abyss.dat

python isles.dat isles.png
python abyss.dat abyss.png

# This line is also commented out because it doesn't need to be rerun.
# python abyss.dat isles.dat > results.txt

Then, we would run our modified shell script using bash

But commenting out these lines, and subsequently un-commenting them, can be a hassle and source of errors in complicated pipelines. What happens if we have hundreds of input files? No one wants to enter the same command a hundred times, and then edit the result.

What we really want is an executable description of our pipeline that allows software to do the tricky part for us: figuring out what tasks need to be run where and when, then perform those tasks for us.

What is Nextflow and why are we using it?

There are many different tools that researchers use to automate this type of work.

Nextflow has been chosen for this lesson:

Snakemake is another very popular tool, and similar lesson can be found in Carpentry HPC Python, for several reasons:

The rest of these lessons aim to teach you how to use Nextflow by example. Our goal is to automate our example workflow, and have it do everything for us in parallel regardless of where and how it is run (and have it be reproducible!).

Key Points

  • Bash scripts are not an efficient way of storing a workflow.

  • Nextflow is one method of managing a complex computational workflow.