This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

The basics


Teaching: 15 min
Exercises: 15 min
  • How do I write a simple workflow?

  • Understand the files that control Nextflow.

  • Understand the components of Nextflow: processes, channels, executors, and operators.

  • Write a simple Nextflow script.

  • Run Nextflow from the shell.

Software modules

Nextflow can be loaded using modules.

$ module load nextflow

Create a file, commonly called, containing the following content:

#!/usr/bin/env nextflow


println "I will count words of $params.query using $wordcount"

This file contains the main nextflow script that calls the processes (using channels and operators as required). It does not need to be called but is standard practice.

Looking line by line:

#!/usr/bin/env nextflow

This is required to tell Nextflow it is a nextflow script.


This sets a variable to refer to later.


This is the query we have to find the number of words. Can be set with the commandline argument when running nextflow with --query.

println "I will count words of $params.query using $wordcount"

This simply prints to screen using the variable and parameter above.

Running the code with:

$ nextflow run

Should produce:

N E X T F L O W  ~  version 20.10.0
Launching `` [sad_mandelbrot] - revision: 43c1e227e3
I will count words of books/isles.txt using

A default work folder will also appear but will be empty.

Nextflow arguments

Try changing the variables and parameters on the commandline?


The parameter can changed with:

$ nextflow run --query "books/abyss.txt"

Note the variable cannot be changed on the commandline.


The nextflow.config is a file to set default global parameters for many parts of the nextflow components such as parameters, process, manifest, executor, profiles, docker, singularity, timeline, report.

Create a nextflow.config. For now we will just use the config file to store the parameters.

params.query = "books/isles.txt"
params.wordcount = ""
params.outfile = "isles.dat"
params.outdir = "$PWD/out_dir"

Update the to remove the parameters and variables and use the values from nextflow.config in the println. You should end up with:

#!/usr/bin/env nextflow

println "I will count words of $params.query using $params.wordcount and output to $params.outfile"

If this is run again it should output:

N E X T F L O W  ~  version 20.10.0
Launching `` [angry_baekeland] - revision: ad46425e9c
I will count words of books/isles.txt using and output to isles.dat

Note we do not need to use the out_dir parameter yet.

params format

The params in the nextflow.config can be formatted as described or using:

params {
  query = "books/isles.txt"
  wordcount = ""
  outfile = "isles.dat"


Processes are what do work in Nextflow scripts. Processes require code to run, input data and output data (which may be used in another process).

In this example we want to run the code to code the number of words in an input file that creates a file of word counts.

We will be using example data (the names of the files are used previously). The example data can be downloaded with:

$ curl -O
$ unzip
$ cd nextflow-lesson

Check the code works:

$ module load python
$ python3 books/isles.txt isles.dat

This should produce a file isles.dat with the word counts.

We should now be able to add this process to the Copy the if not already there and add the following:

process runWordcount {

  module load python
  python3 $PWD/ $PWD/books/isles.txt isles.dat


Note the use of $PWD to set the fullpath. This is crucial since Nextflow runs the code in another directory.

Run Nextflow again

$ nextflow run

And will produce:

N E X T F L O W  ~  version 20.10.0
Launching `` [voluminous_coulomb] - revision: 6c143df13c
I will count words of books/isles.txt using and output to isles.dat
executor >  local (1)
[38/2f5ad5] process > runWordcount [100%] 1 of 1 ✔

The isles.dat can be found in work directory such as:

$ tree work
└── 62
    └── 9a9d076cc092ed99701282d3ee3e9f
        └── isles.dat

The unique directories (using hashes) can be resumed by Nextflow.

Instead of hardcoding the arguments in the process, we can use the params and make sure $PWD is being used in nextflow.config

Adding more parameters

Try adding more parameters to allow python3 to be called something else.


Add to nextflow.config the parameter Change python to be $

params.query = "$PWD/books/isles.txt"
params.wordcount = "$PWD/"
params.outfile = "isles.dat"
params.outdir = "$PWD/out_dir" = "python3"

and the process is modified to be

$ $params.wordcount $params.query $params.outfile

Adding help functionality

Now that there is a series of arguments to the workflow it is beneficial to be able to print a help message.

In before the process definition the following can be added:

def helpMessage() { """
        The typical command for running the pipeline is as follows:
        nextflow run --query \$PWD/books/isles.txt --outfile isles.dat

        Mandatory arguments:
         --query                       Query file count words
         --outfile                     Output file name
         --outdir                      Final output directory

        Optional arguments:
         --app                         Python executable
         --wordcount                   Python code to execute
         --help                        This usage statement.

// Show help message
if ( {
    exit 0

And add to nextflow.config to a default value of false. Test the help functionality with:

$ nextflow run --help

We may want to add more dependencies that can be represented as:

Dependencies represented within Nextflow

You should now be able to run code and change what is run on the command line. We will now move onto learning about processes can use inputs and outputs.

Key Points

  • Nextflow describes your workflow in its Domain Specific Language (DSL)

  • Processes are executed independently, only way they can communicate is via asynchronous FIFO queues, called channels in Nextflow