This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

Introduction to containers and Singularity

This course provides information about containers and how to use Singularity to manage your applications.


Knowledge of Linux required, access to Cardiff University supercomputer Hawk.


Setup Download files required for the lesson
00:00 1. Introducing containers What are containers, and why might they be useful to me?
00:40 2. Singularity: Getting started What is Singularity and why might I want to use it?
01:10 3. Working with Singularity containers How do I run a shell or different commands within a container?
Where does Singularity store images?
01:50 4. Building Singularity images How do I create my own Singularity images?
02:30 5. Running MPI parallel jobs using Singularity containers How do I set up and run an MPI job from a Singularity container?
03:20 6. Running Singularity containers with GPUs How do I set up and run with GPUs from a Singularity container?
04:10 7. Bootstrapping your use of Containers How can I get started using containers in my research?
Where can I get help to start using containers?
05:15 Finish

The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on the topics and exercises chosen by the instructor.