This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)



Teaching: 45 min
Exercises: 15 min
  • Why is more job running so slowly?

  • What is a GPU and how do I use one?

  • Where should I read and write my data?

  • What libraries should I use for X?

  • Profile and understand different between walltime and cputime.

  • Understand what a GPU is and how it can be used.

  • Understand all the different filesystems on the system.

  • Look for existing libraries that provide the function you need.

When looking to speed up code there are 2 parts of the code that need to be understood:

Amdahl’s Law can be used to describe the performance. The serial sections of code will always restrict the possibility of perfect scaling. This is covered further in OpenMP and MPI courses.

Whilst analysing code and improving the performance is good practice, it really only makes a difference for developers. For users it is important to be able to know the options that can speed up their jobs. GPUs can provide a simple method for users to benefit from if the software supports them. GPUs can greatly speed up common tasks such as linear algebra operations.

Another aspect of performance is the I/O. This usually related to the filesystem performance but also be network performance can impact applications using MPI.


Hawk, as of July 2020, contains 2 types of Nvidia GPUs.

SLURM requires the job to request both the correct partition and how many GPUs to use. For example

$ srun -n 1 -p gpu --gres=gpu:1 --pty bash --login

This will ask for 1 CPU and 1 GPU card to use. This sets CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES to tell software to only use the GPU cards given to it.

To benefit from GPUs the code requires explicit instructions where it will copy and process the data on the GPU. Not all work benefits from GPUs but where it is possible it usually results in great gains in performance.


Matlab can use GPUs. Matlab is available with module load matlab. For example run Matlab and run gpuDevice() to list the GPU device.

Matlab example

Run Matlab and find out what GPUs are available on both gpu and gpu_v100 partition.


Request a SLURM interactive system with

$ srun --account=scw1148 -n 1 -p gpu --gres=gpu:1 --pty bash --login

Run Matlab with matlab -nodisplay and type gpuDevice()

Pytorch is a popular machine learning framework. This is available with module module load pytorch but can also be installed by the user (see previous session. Pytorch will need some data files. These can be downloaded on the login node either by running the example script with --epochs=0 or within Python such as downloading the MNIST dataset with

import torchvision
torchvision.datasets.MNIST(root="data", download=True)

There are a number of example tutorial scripts included in the repository at Github but may be version dependent.

Pytorch example

Download from

$ wget

Then module load pytorch and download the data before running on SLURM

$ python --epochs=0

Time each run with --no-cuda for non-GPU code and with no options to use default GPU.


Make sure in the same directory downloaded data and request interactive session

$ srun --account=scw1148 -n 1 -p gpu --gres=gpu:1 --pty bash --login

Then run with time

$ time python --no-cuda
$ time python

Further GPU advice

GPUs can be used for many tools from Molecular simulation to Photogrammetry software. Just check the documentation for the application for GPUs.

There is also the option of Singularity (see previous session along with Nvidia NGC to lookup and download software that benefits from GPUs.


On Hawk, there are 3 main filesystems

Jobs should be run on Lustre unless for specific reasons. Hawk benefits from new Lustre features such as Progressive File Layouts to simplify some of the previous issues with performance.

Other filesystems on HPC

There are many types of filesystems that might be encountered for particular use cases. GPFS is similar to Lustre while HDFS is for data analytics.


What is /scratch? The filesystem consists of a number of servers. Each server provides places to store data (OSTs) and the metadata of the data (MDTs). These can be listed running:

$ lfs osts
$ lfs mdts

Hawk now has 40 OSTs serving 1.2 PB of storage. There is 1 MDT serving the metadata of the data. With only 1 metadata target serving information about files, accessing many small files on Lustre delivers very poor performance. For a simple demonstration run

$ time /bin/ls /scratch

Can produce

real	0m0.011s


$ time ls /scratch

Can produce

real	0m0.030s

The difference between the commands is ls tends to be an alias to colorise the output and it will lookup the metadata of the files which is slow on Lustre. E.g.

$ alias

Will show

alias ls='ls --color=auto'

Metadata on other systems

Repeat on other filesystems on Hawk such as /tmp and /home.

With 40 OSTs it should be possible to write out data in parallel upto 40 OSTs in parallel if the code supports it.

For power users, the way a file is divided across the OSTs can be seen with

$ lfs getstripe /scratch/c.username/my_file


NFS is a server/client design where all data is served from one server across all clients (compared to Lustre with many servers and storage devices). Another aspect to remember is caching, /home is NFS based and performing an operation such as ls will be slow the first time and faster the next time. Performance is not consistent.

We DO NOT recommend running jobs on /home.


/tmp is the local filesystem on each node. It is small (only in the GBs) and shared with other users. However for some operations such as small file I/O it can be useful to use, however this tends to be quite rare.

General advice

Profiling code

Profiling the application is critical in highlighting what parts of the code need to be targetted for optimisation.

For Intel Fortran Compiler (similar to C and C++) use the following:

$ ifort -g -pg main.f90

Then run the executable ./a.out and this will produce gmon.out and run

$ gprof ./a.out gmon.out

With Python, the following can be used

$ python -m cProfile [-o output] [-s sort]


Obtain the examples at

$ wget
$ wget
$ wget

Run them with the relevant optimisation tool.


Load the Intel Compiler with module load compiler/intel and then make and then gprof ./main gmon.out. Output will show the timings.

For Python load the version of Python module load python and then python3 -m cProfile and check output for timings for each function.

Arrays are stored in a certain way and if accessed in sequence then performance is fast, if accessed by jumping around the array then performance bad - CPU cache is not being used efficiently.

ARM Forge

ARM Forge, just like with debugging, has an optimiser as well. It is recommended to use the local GUI. This is available as a download from ARM website and look at the links in Remote Client Downloads

The optimiser, MAP, allows you to run the program either directly or via a job scheduler. There is also an option to load a file that contains the sample data from a previous run of the optimiser on Hawk.

Please get in contact if interested.


It is worth spending some time looking at software and seeing what options there are such as GPUs. Use /scratch unless for some demonstratable performance reason. Please get in contact if you feel your jobs are not working.

Key Points

  • Optimising jobs benefits you AND the whole community using the system.

  • Do not reinvent the wheel if you need common functionality in your code.