This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

ARCCA Training Material

Why use ARCCA


Teaching: 0 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • Why use ARCCA

  • Use the appropriate resource.

We provide high performance computing services for researchers who need additional computing power to solve complex problems.

We also work with clients and partners outside the University through a range of outreach activities and play a key role in Supercomputing Wales (SCW), which provides High Performance Computing facilities to academia across Wales.

Our team is available to support you with your research needs through a range of services. We also offer expert advice, guidance and training in using the facilities.

We provide access to supercomputing tools and resources including computer simulation and modelling, manipulating and storing large amounts of data, and many other methods to solve research problems that would otherwise be impractical.

For more information see

Key Points

  • ARCCA provides general advanved research computing advice and manages the University central HPC system.